Then you talked politely with him? He said: 'The best of you, and the most apt to maintain good relations, as far as I know, is Abu Muhammad 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf | For whoever has mentioned some praise, then he has expressed his gratitude |
Does a man curse his parents? Do not harm the Muslims, nor revile them, nor spy on them to expose their secrets | Which is the most virtuous of deeds? '"He said : " He sat up, and he had been reclining |
For indeed falsehood leads to wickedness, and wickedness leads to the Fire.
And Allah is engaged in helping the worshipper as long as the worshipper is engaged in helping his brother | Remember whoever abstains from asking others, Allah will make him content, and whoever tries to make due, Allah will suffice him |
A slave of Allah continues lying and trying hard to lie, until he is recorded with Allah as a liar | ' He said: 'And hospitality is for three days, whatever is beyond that is charity |
So he said to him: "Come here, I will divide my wealth and give you half, and I have two wives, I will divorce one of them, and when she completes her waiting period you may marry her | " Then he said: "And which man is greater in reward than a man who spends upon his depandants, having little ones by which Allah causes him to abstain from the unlawful and by which Allah enriches him |
Who most deserves my reverence? ' I said: 'Allah has given me various kinds of wealth through camels and goats | ' He said: ' A day and a night |
' They said: 'What is the reward? ' I said: 'Then what, O Messenger of Allah? Then he came to stay with me, shall I reciprocate the same to him? So 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf visited him.