اخر خليفة عباسي. تاريخ الخلفاء by جلال الدين السيوطي

Although relatively basic in its level of detail, I would not necessarily recommend this as a starting point to educate oneself on the history of the rightly-guided caliphs For that reason it may be problematic for an introductory work but one could sweep past such statements without requiring the additional information
Considering it is a translated text, I found that the English flowed well, making it easy to read To understand the political surrounding at the time of each of their caliphate is important in appreciating why al-Suyuti has included certain information i

آخر خليفة عباسي قتل على يد هولاكو هو

If you are expecting a proper biography book with a narrative with only or mostly authentic sources, this book is not it.

آخر خليفة عثماني
However I would not recommend it as an introductory text
آخر الخلفاء العباسيين
Each section of each Khalifah is a description of their character, virtues and caliphate with some details regarding significant events in their time
The reason for this omission is "because whoever is interested will find the Arabic text easily available
Regardless, the selection of material and the quotes provided are superb Unfortunately the translator has not included the sources from which the information is found
Considering it is a translated text, I found that the English flowed well, making it easy to read So in conclusion, if you're looking for a simple and basic history book on the rightly guided Caliphs, you'll have to look elsewhere


If you are expecting a proper biography book with a narrative with only or mostly authentic sources, this book is not it.

من هو آخر خليفة عباسي
As he concludes, "This book is in honour of the khalifate to come; may Allah make it shine as brightly as those which have been
عبد الله المستعصم بالله
" Indeed the Tarikh al-Khulafa' is widely available however the audience will purchase this work due to the fact that they cannot read Arabic so the fact that the original Arabic is easily accessible for those interested in sourcing the information is obviously pointless
من الذي قتل اخر خليفة عباسي من 6 حروف؟
This book, like many other tarikh books, has many authentic but also many weak and fabricated narrations as well, because the purpose of these works by the historians was to gather everything they could on a selected topic