Convert aed to sar. AED to SAR Currency Converter (AED/SAR).

9610505592 United Arab Emirates Dirham 100 Saudi Riyal 97 0001 SAR 1 to AED 0
0210 AED 1 to SAR 1 According to the , the trade database of the World Bank, Saudi Arabia was the largest named export market for the UAE in 2018

Convert 77000.0035 Saudi Riyals to UAE Dirhams

The colon was distributed in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200 originally but is no longer being printed today.

Convert SAR to AED
00 SAR converts to 97
Transfer AED to SAR: Convert & Send Emirati Dirham to Saudi Riyal
0000 AED 1 to SAR 1
370 AED to SAR
36885 SAR About United Arab Emirates Dirham AED AED is the currency code for the United Arab Emirates dirham and is the official currency of the United Arab Emirates UAE
SAR to AED Conversion Table SAR [Saudi Riyal] AED [United Arab Emirates Dirham] 0 3182987586 Saudi Riyal Popular Currency Conversions• 0000 AED 1 to SAR 1
7922101118 United Arab Emirates Dirham 20 Saudi Riyal 19 The economy of the UAE is advanced, boasting the third highest GDP per capita in the world, the value of the AED is pegged to the United States Dollar, and the currency is issued by the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates

1 AED to SAR

91 26 Russian Federation 2.

370 AED to SAR
Be aware that the exchange rate you are offered for a currency exchange or cross currency purchase WILL be less than the market rate
Convert SAR to AED
00 AED converts to 51
Convert SAR to AED
0001 AED 1 to SAR 1