Ad-Dahhak said, "Meaning to stand for the Salah and say : "Glorious are You and with Your praise, Hallowed be Your Name, Exalted be Your majesty, and there is no God worthy of worship except You | However, they do not understand what is happening to them or why, because when the torment is removed, they revert to committing the worst of what they used to do before |
Maksudnya, hendaklah kamu bertasbih ketika bangun dari tidur atau bangun meninggalkan majlis, atau ketika berdiri hendak shalat | saying, "From every gathering you sit in |
' Or invokes Allah , he will be responded to it, and if he intends and performs ablution and prays, his prayer will be accepted | Melayu - Basmeih : Dan dengan yang demikian bersabarlah wahai Muhammad menerima hukum Tuhanmu memberi tempoh kepada mereka kerana sesungguhnya engkau tetap terselamat dalam pemuliharaan serta pengawasan Kami; dan bertasbihlah dengan memuji Tuhanmu semasa engkau bangun• Yakni dalam pantauan dan penjagaan Kami |
"From your sleep, from your bed |
中国语文 - Ma Jian : 你应当忍受你的主的判决,因为你确是在我的眷顾之下的。 Glory be to Allah, and all praise is due to Allah, and La illaha illallah and Allah is Greater.