Cruella de vil. Cruella de Vil

Cruella's chauffeur-driven car is black-and-white striped, which Mr Cruella's black side of her hair goes white, and the white side goes an off-greenish shade, from the shock
Roger immediately suspects her, but the police fail to find anything With just the clothes on her back, Cruella goes to an old mansion called Hell Hall which her father had set aside from her in the case of an emergency

Cruella de Vil

When Catherine visits a mansion for financial support, she is killed by Dalmatians after Estella accidentally provoked them into chasing her, causing Estella to run to London by hiding in a bin lorry, where she is aided by Horace and Jasper, dying her distinctive black-and-white hair to better hide herself.

Cruella de Vil
Her mother Malevola de Vil demands she do this, and Cruella also was denied the farm by old Widow Smedly the first time she tried to buy it, incensing her and beginning her obsession
Cruella de Vil
For unexplained reasons, Cruella's cat and husband were omitted from the Disney version
Cruella de Vil
However, she is soon tormented by the unseen phantom of Cruella De Vil, who claims it is her coat
Hook then pressed her about the book's whereabouts, which Cruella was surprisingly forthcoming about She insists on being called "Ella" because "Cruella sounds so
Upon a second visit to the house, she picks up the mature puppies and treats them like clothing to be worn Dearly asks Cruella what her married name is, Cruella retorts that—in contrast to the usual patriarchal custom—she has made her husband adopt her surname as his own, in an effort to carry on her family name

Cruella de Vil

When the Dalmatians return to London, they and the white cat destroy all of Mr.

Cruella de Vil
In the film, Cruella grew up as Estella Miller, the daughter of Catherine, who is expelled from her first school; due to her temper provoking several fights
Cruella de Vil
Cruella and James then hatched a plan to get out the Underworld by delivering Hades the child of and
Cruella de Vil
Using DHI technology, she and the Queen head for the power facility and shut down the electricity, allowing Maleficent and Chernabog to escape their cells