Besides, this verse also points out what attitude the people should adopt when talking to persons of a higher rank and status than themselves | A person's talking before the men of a higher rank in a way as he talks before his friends or the common men, is in fact a sign that he has no respect for them in his heart, and he does not recognize any difference between them and the common people |
Nobody should raise his voice louder than his: the people should not be unmindful of the fact that they are addressing the Messenger of Allah, and not a common man, or a person of equal rank; therefore, there should be a marked difference between one's tone of conversation with the common people and one's tone of conversation with the Holy Prophet, and no one should talk to him in a voice louder than his |
For the reverence of the Holy Prophet is indeed reverence of that God Who has sent him as His Messenger and lack of reverence for him amounts to lack of reverence to God Himself.
19中国语文 - Ma Jian : 信道的人们啊!不要使你们的声音高过先知的声音,不要对他高声说话,犹如你们彼此间高声说话那样,以免你们的善功变为无效,而你们是不知不觉的。 Ayat berikutnya diturunkan berkenaan dengan orang-orang yang merendahkan suaranya di hadapan Nabi saw | Although this etiquette was taught for sitting in the Holy Prophet's assembly and its addressees were the people who were living in his time, the people of the later ages also should observe the same respect and reverence on the occasion when the Holy Prophet's name is mentioned, or a command of his is stated, or his sayings are explained |