قل الحمدلله وسلام على عباده الذين اصطفى. آيات الحمد لله في القرآن الكريم : الحمد لله

, "Segala puji bagi Allah atas binasanya orang-orang kafir dari umat-umat terdahulu dan kesejahteraan atas hamba-hamba-Nya yang dipilih-Nya yakni mereka yang dipilih-Nya Apakah Allah Allah dapat dibaca Tahqiq dan Tas-hil yang lebih baik bagi orang yang menyembah-Nya ataukah apa yang mereka persekutukan dengan Dia dapat dibaca, Yusyrikuna dan Tusyrikuna If not, why have you then set up these others as your deities? Apakah berhala-berhala itu lebih baik bagi para penyembahnya?
Somali - Abduh : Waxaad Dhahdaa mahad Eebaa iska leh Nabadgalyana ha Ahaato Addoomadiis uu Doortay Korkooda ma Eebaa Khayr roon mise waxay la Wadaajin• As a matter of fact, there can be no question of goodness in the false gods and, therefore, they cannot be compared to Allah Melayu - Basmeih : Katakanlah wahai Muhammad "Segala puji tertentu bagi Allah dan selamat sejahtera kepada hambahambaNya Nabinabi yang dipilihNya Manakah yang lebih baik Allah yang demikian kekuasaanNya atau bendabenda yang mereka jadikan sekutusekutu bagiNya• But now this is looked upon as characteristic of bigotry, and the present-day Muslim speakers have no idea of starting their speech with these words, or feel shy of doing so

الخطاب في قوله تعالى قل الحمد لله

Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Katakanlah "Segala puji bagi Allah dan kesejahteraan atas hambahambaNya yang dipilihNya Apakah Allah yang lebih baik ataukah apa yang mereka persekutukan dengan Dia"• As for the polytheists, even they had no misconception that Allah could be compared to their gods.

آیه 59 سوره نمل
Swahili - Al-Barwani : Sema Alhamdu Lillahi Kuhimidiwa ni kwa Mwenyezi Mungu Na amani ishuke juu ya waja wake alio wateuwa Je Mwenyezi Mungu ni bora au wale wanao washirikisha naye• After this, pointed questions have been asked, one after the other, about the manifestations of the power and creation of Allah to the effect: "Whose works are these? The Meaning of the Qur'an Thus, the Qur'an at the very outset made the opponents helpless
الخطاب في قوله تعالى قل الحمد لله
This introduction teaches how the Muslims should begin a speech
قل الحمد لله وسلام على عباده الذين اصطفى ۗ آلله خير أما يشركون
That is why they have been explicitly asked to consider whether Allah is better or their deities, for they could not face and answer this forth-right question
But they were asked this question in order to be warned against their error Now if the polyltheists served their deities and implored them for their needs instead of Allah, and presented their offerings before them, this would be meaningless unless they perceived some good in them
But if they acknowledged that Allah is better it would demolish their whole creed, for then it would be unreasonable to adopt the inferior against the superior creed English - Sahih International : Say [O Muhammad] "Praise be to Allah and peace upon His servants whom He has chosen Is Allah better or what they associate with Him"• " According to traditions, whenever the Holy Prophet recited this verse, he would immediately respond to it, saying: "Nay, but Allah is better, and He alone is the Everlasting and Exalted and High

مقدمة ثناء على الله : الحمد لله

Is there besides Allah any other god also associated with these works'? Maksudnya apa yang dipersekutukan oleh para kuffar Mekah yaitu berhala-berhala.

قُلِ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ وَسَلَامٌ عَلَى عِبَادِهِ الَّذِينَ اصْطَفَى
For obviously none in the world would do anything unless he saw some good in it
مقدمة ثناء على الله : الحمد لله
That is why the truly Islamic-minded people have always been starting their speeches and discourses with the praise of Allah and salutation on His righteous servants
القرآن الكريم
中国语文 - Ma Jian : 你说:一切赞颂,全归真主。 Even the most hardened polytheist among them could not venture to say that their deities were better

قل الحمد لله وسلام على عباده الذين اصطفى ۗ آلله خير أما يشركون


آيات الحمد لله في القرآن الكريم : الحمد لله
مقدمة ثناء على الله : الحمد لله
قل الحمد لله وسلام على عباده الذين اصطفى ۗ آلله خير أما يشركون