The war ended with all the Ammonite cities being conquered and plundered, and the inhabitants being killed or put to forced labor at David's command | The lists the Ammonite king 's army as fighting alongside of and allies against at the in 853 BC, possibly as vassals of , the Aramaean king of |
The dynast founded , and was a descendant of the Seleucid dynasty of , who is mentioned by Nehemiah as an Ammonite ii | Their cruelty is denounced by the prophet Amos and their destruction with their return in the future by Jeremiah; Ezekiel; and Zephaniah |
" Baalis, king of the Ammonites, envious of the Jewish colony's prosperity, or jealous of the might of the Babylonian king, instigated , "of the royal seed," to make an end of the Judean rule in Palestine, Ishmael, being an unscrupulous character, permitted himself to become the tool of the Ammonite king in order to realize his own ambition to become the ruler of the deserted land.
10The invasion of the Amorites created a wedge and separated the two kingdoms of Ammon and Moab | In Burton MacDonald; Randall W |
Shortly before the Israelite , the west of Jordan, under King , invaded and occupied | " Rabbinic literature [ ] The Ammonites, still numerous in the south of Palestine in the second Christian century according to , presented a serious problem to the Pharisaic scribes because many marriages with Ammonite and Moabite wives had taken place in the days of |
The Ammonites were driven from the rich lands near the Jordan and retreated to the mountains and valleys to the east.
Religion [ ] Sources for what little is known of Ammonite religion are mostly the and material evidence | and are named in the as the gods of Ammon |
Les langues dans le monde ancien et modern, part 3 | Other kings attested to in contemporary sources are attested to in several contemporary and , the latter of whom reigned about 620 BCE |
19 from the east-Jordanian district.