Point, Le 4 Mar 2011 | Happy Days and Wonder Years: The Fifties and Sixties in Contemporary Popular Culture |
: Boulevard of Broken Dreams, 1984• Twentieth Century-Fox: A Corporate and Financial History | Sarah Churchwell, The Many Lives of Marilyn Monroe, Metropolitan Books, 1995,• 38 , notice BnF no FRBNF34962241• James Goode, The Making of The Misfits, Limelight Editions, New York, 1986, pp |
John Huston: Essays on a Restless Director.
Randall Riese et Neal Hitchen, The Unabridged Marilyn, Londres, Corgi Books, 1988,p | Sharbutt, Jay 7 Oct 1985 |
, 17 cm , notice BnF no FRBNF34962241 , P | Randall Riese et Neal Hitchen, The Unabridged Marilyn, Londres, Corgi Books, 1988 , P |
Banner has argued that the abuse may have been a major causative factor in Monroe's mental health problems, and has also written that as the subject was taboo in mid-century United States, Monroe was unusual in daring to speak about it publicly | Bolton, Lucy 1 Jun 2016 |
Randall Riese et Neal Hitchen, The Unabridged Marilyn, Londres, Corgi Books, 1988 , P | Hammond, Devin 20 Jun 2019 |