سارعي للمجد والعلياء مجدي لخالق السماء. سارعي للمجد والعلياء

My country, Live as the pride of Muslims! De tekst is beschikbaar onder de licentie , er kunnen aanvullende voorwaarden van toepassing zijn Haast je, Voor glorie en suprematie, Verheerlijk de schepper van de hemelen! Son of homeland We are the eternity of time They asked the old, the years They chant, Saudi Arabia's King To the great majesty of the wise leader of Arabia Our souls are ransom, our motto is guidance, peace is in the dark, for the crown of the homeland A planet in the sky has its throne from Aba His crown is a jewel of the faithful, his glory is a torch of light Long live the king, long live the homeland Our proud youth lead the pioneer of jihad The Saudis of the Father, and an Arab army surrounded by the Prophet, blessing the homeland Roaring fever, Sama, respond And give my name to Mina, and bear witness that we are young lions
The melody is based on an style, and is similar to the national anthems of other in the area at the time The piece was gifted by the then Egyptian when made a visit to Egypt

سارِعِي لِلْمَجْدِ وَالْعَلْيَاء مَجِّدِي لِخَالِقِ السَّمَاء

Zie de voor meer informatie.

سارِعِي لِلْمَجْدِ وَالْعَلْيَاء مَجِّدِي لِخَالِقِ السَّمَاء
De tekst is geschreven door geboren 1935 en de is gemaakt door geboren 1923
للمجد والعلياء.. مجدي لخالق قصة ميلاد النشيد الوطني السعودي كلمة السر!
Deze pagina is voor het laatst bewerkt op 27 mei 2021 om 11:43
سارِعِي لِلْمَجْدِ وَالْعَلْيَاء مَجِّدِي لِخَالِقِ السَّمَاء
And raise the green flag Carrying the written light reflecting guidance, Repeat, Allahu Akbar!
En verhoging van de , draag de schriftelijke lichtreflecterende begeleiding, God is groot, O mijn land! Het werd verkozen tot volkslied in 1950 Saudis listened to their anthem for the first time during the celebrations of Eid ul-Fitr in 1984
Long live the King For the flag And the homeland! Mijn land, Leef als de glorie van de , Leven de , voor de , en het! The lyrics call upon the country to hasten to greatness and raise the flag, glorify , and asks Him to grant the long life '"Chant of the Saudi Nation"' was first officially adopted in 1950 without lyrics

سارعي للمجد والعلياء

Long live the king, long live the homeland Isle Crowns The Flag Embraces The Kindergarten And The Sanctuary Our palms are majestic, our swords are as long as our king is a crescent, decorating the homeland His justice in time is evident His lion, his antelope, in the safety of his people, his soldiers, will not be insulted Long live the king, long live the homeland Ibn Saud lyrics [ ] Arabic script [ ]• External links [ ] has original text related to this article:.

يا فتاة السعودية سارعي للمجد والعلياء مجدي لخالق السماء
نشيد العلم السعودي.. قصة خلدها التاريخ
سارِعِي لِلْمَجْدِ وَالْعَلْيَاء مَجِّدِي لِخَالِقِ السَّمَاء