It is also called Al-Hamd and As-Salah, because the Prophet said that his Lord said, Al-Fatihah was called the Salah, because reciting it is a condition for the correctness of Salah — the prayer | So Allah gives answer of your prayer where you asked Him to show you guidance |
They also call the flag that gathers the ranks of the army an Umm | A Synthesis of Religions |
SUMMARY OF TOPICS Supplication to for guidance told by God Himself.
18Ubayy did not answer him | s that he said: If you recite al-Hamd on a dead body 70 times and the soul returns to it, it will not be surprising |
This Surah is both a prayer and an introduction of the Quran |
Allah has never revealed in the Tawrah, the Injil, the Zabur or the Furqan a Surah like it.