Furthermore, excessive exposure to electronics has its own set of health risks, such as headaches, blurred vision, and a loss of attention, to name a few | I really hope you find well |
Teachers and students only interact with one another on a one-on-one basis about subject areas | Once they guess your questions, put them in pairs and ask them to draw their personal star writing six words about their personal life |
Planting trees, limiting the use of non-renewable resources, and efficient trash disposal are just a few of them.
15Every individual has a responsibility to protect our environment from pollution | One of the task that I had to do is to evaluate coleagues using CoRubrics and this tool is outstanding! Disadvantages The online study approach has a number of advantages, but it also has a number of drawbacks |
There are various advantages of online learning | Hi there, how are you? I have some experiences on European projects European teachers and eTwinnings I have run these years |