ازار للثياب. كيف و ماذا يلبسون ؟

2000 Journal of American College Health 48 4 :158-63• 2011 Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 20 6 :708-27 Bingham, Clara, Gansler, Laura Leedy
American Association of University Women 1999 Clinical Psychology Review 19' 7 :739-71• Naperville, Illinois: Sphinx Publishing, 2002

مقاسات الملابس

Class Action: The Landmark Case that Changed Sexual Harassment Law.

تحميل Azar علي جهاز الحاسوب ب MEmu
Boulder, Colorado, Pluto Press, 1994
التفريغ النصي
Why Didn't You Say That in the First Place? , New Jersey, 1981, Ch
دعاء لبس الاحرام
Ivory Power: Sexual Harassment On Campus
Bravo, Ellen, and Cassedy, Ellen Question Is this Hadith authentic and is the reference correct? Sexual Harassment: An Introduction to the Conceptual and Ethical Issues
Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1998 The Lecherous Professor: Sexual Harassment on Campus

التفريغ النصي

See for an article on the importance of keeping the garments above the ankles even out of salah.

قاموس معاجم: معنى و شرح المضارع من معاني كَلَّمَےاتِدرس رحلة ريشه في معجم عربي عربي أو قاموس عربي عربي وأفضل قواميس اللغة العربية
67 Authenticity Imam Nawawi rahimahullah has declared the chain of Abu Dawud as authentic sahih
The Hadith, ‘Allah does not accept the Salah of a man who trails his lower garment’
Hostile Hallways: Bullying, Teasing, and Sexual Harassment in School
شروط الصلاة
Academic and Workplace Sexual Harassment