Boston : Estes and Lauriat | Frozen hash browns are sometimes made into patty form for ease of handling, and the compact, flat shape can also be cooked in a or toaster |
Look up in Wiktionary, the free dictionary | Retrieved 6 December 2019 |
Hash browns are a popular product sold in refrigerated, frozen and dehydrated forms | Hash browns were traditionally served exclusively as a breakfast item by fast food restaurants, however in recent times some chains have began offering them throughout the day |
وهي تحظى بإقبال الجميع، حيث يقبل الجميع على تناولها في المطاعم الشهيرة، وذلك لمذاقها اللذيذ والفريد الذي لا مثيل له، ولشكلها الخرافة | This means hashed browned potatoes literally translates to "chopped and fried potatoes" |
In some parts of the United States, hash browns strictly refer to shredded or riced pan-fried potatoes, while diced and pan-fried potatoes are called country fried potatoes or and are served as a side dish at other meals.
5سنعرض في هذا المقال عدّة طرق بسيطة لتحضير البطاطس كنوع من المقبلات | يقدم الهاش براون عموماً مع البرغرات أو |
ومع ذلك، إذا تم إضافة عامل للربط البيض أو الزيت على سبيل المثال ، يتم تسميتها ببانكيك البطاطس | Retrieved 2 December 2015 |