Excuse me, I think you are sitting in my seat | Your phone is going to leave in about two hours |
Can you get some eggs, too? F: what color do you like, yellow or red | F: do you have any sisters or brothers, Fatma? There are also no Italian ones, three I think |
SONELGAZ has already built power plants in Biskra rising intonation , Djelfa rising intonation , Hassi Rmel rising intonation and other localities in the South of Algeria falling intonation.
7Again, it is not recommended to let the students do the same project year after year | The room looks large because they have very little furniture in it |
Complete the sentences and the puzzle and find the word in the gray boxes• I came across an old book while I was cleaning the garage | Librarian: What exactly are you looking for? Then assign the words as dictionary entries to be completed at home in the way suggested in the textbook |
Brainstorm a checklist of projects compatible with the new language items and skills covered by the unit, and let them discuss and choose the project they would like to materialise.