انواع اللولب. أنواع لولب منع الحمل

Grimes, DA, MD 2007 , "Intrauterine Devices IUDs ", in Hatcher, RA; Nelson, TJ; Guest, F; Kowal, D Zo kunt u controleren of het spiraal nog op zijn plaats zit
Have removed shortly after menopause, if not before Ortiz, ME; Croxatto HB June 2007

أنواع لولب منع الحمل

Bahamondes L, Hidalgo M, Petta CA, Diaz J, Espejo-Arce X, Monteiro-Dantas C.

جهاز منع الحمل
Daarna moet het worden vervangen
أنواع لولب منع الحمل
Steenland, MW; Tepper, NK; Curtis, KM; Kapp, N November 2011
لولب رحمي نحاسي
ESHRE Capri Workshop Group April 2008
; Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 2012-03-28
"Frameless versus classical intrauterine device for contraception" Ze zitten diep in de , waar u ze zelf kan voelen

تعرف على وسائل منع الحمل وخاصة اللولب الهرموني

Darney, Leon Speroff, Philip D.

إدخال اللولب
2003 , "Enlarged ovarian follicles in users of a levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system and contraceptive implant", J
جهاز منع الحمل
Black, K; Lotke, P; Buhling, KJ; Zite, NB; Intrauterine contraception for Nulliparous women: Translating Research into Action INTRA , group October 2012
Committee on Adolescent Health Care Long-Acting Reversible Contraception Working Group, The American College of Obstetricians and, Gynecologists October 2012