محمود خليل الحصري. استماع وتنزيل سورة الكهف mp3

He discovered in that place lots of secrets concerning Koran sciences and the art of reciting His recitation fulfils the hearts with peace, security and calmness, and opens to his audience the gates of faith
He memorised several masterpieces of reference He learned by heart the holy Koran before the age of eleven at the Koranic School of his village

محمود الحصري

Divergence about his voice: There is a disagreement about psalmody of this recitor and his interpretation.

بماذا أجاب الشيخ عبدالحليم محمود حين سألته ياسمين الخيام: هل الغناء حرام؟
During that period, he confirmed his cleverness and his merit to that job he was given by famous recitors
جميع قراء القران الكريم
He became also a comity member concerning the codex correction of Koran in 1959, a director assistant in 1962, and later a director
جميع قراء القران الكريم
It was a divine gift that was attributed to that recitor which made him very famous in the whole world
Since its foundation, the radio of the Holy Koran In Cairo exclusively broadcasted him for ten years to more than a Billion of Muslims in the world It was, also, a meeting point of inflow for recitors and creative hymnodists
God may be merciful towards him The sheikh used to have an exacerbated awareness concerning literature, thoughts and culture in broad terms, and specifically the literature of travelling since he had wrote plenty of works about his journeys around the Islamic world and even abroad

فارس عباد

They learned it, recite it and honoured it as it should be.

إذاعة الشيخ محمود خليل الحصري
We are dealing with a reciting master, a person who contributed to the enrichment of literature and the Islamic library through many work pieces and lectures, and through several conferences that were done at the Egyptian, Arabic and Islamic Universities
Mahmoud Khalil Al Hussary
Such excitement could indeed divert the spirits from meditation and the depth of the koranic message which requires a calm and peaceful receptivity
Mahmoud Khalil Al Hussary
He had the chance to recite the holy Koran in front of the American congress and the United Nations
It requires also a very sensitive voice that can make the stamp nuances extremely thin No to the sung interpretation! Thanks to his, God guided dozens of people during his journeys abroad
The best moments of his life were the ones in which he used to read the verses of the quite revelation with his own knowledge Then, in 1955, the minister of good intentions named him as a recitor in Al-Husayn Mosque where he spent twenty nine years successively until his death

إذاعة الشيخ محمود خليل الحصري

He achieved the noblest mission which consists of protecting the Book of God from corruption or deformation.

Stream samirmoustafa
Between his birth in 1917 and his decease 63 years after, He got attached to the acquisition of all sciences that have any relationship with the Noble Koran
إذاعة الشيخ محمود خليل الحصري
Indeed, he remained the head of all Islamic recitors during twenty years and became a researcher academic member among many great scholars of Al-Azhar
محمود خليل الحصري mp3 القرآن الكريم تحميل صوت
The celebration of the anniversary of this latter, one of the greatest memorials in the country influenced several personalities of that region in a manner or another