مؤرشف من في 12 أبريل 2010 | اطلع عليه بتاريخ May 5, 2017 |
Retrieved May 9, 2013 | In August 2013, Twitter announced plans to introduce a "report abuse" button for all versions of the site following uproar, including a petition with 100,000 signatures, over Tweets that included rape and death threats to historian , feminist campaigner and the member of parliament |
In August 2016, Twitter stated that it had banned 235,000 accounts over the past six months, bringing the overall number of suspended accounts to 360,000 accounts in the past year, for violating policies banning use of the platform to promote extremism.
25ومع ذلك فحسب كوم سكور أيضًا فإنّ الموقع غيّر قليلًا من سياساته في عام 2009 حيث عمل على استقطاب فئات مختلفة خاصّة بعد انضِمام مشاهير شباب مثل ، | Critics considered the redesign an attempt to emulate features and experiences found in mobile apps and third-party Twitter clients |
Migrations to this iteration of Twitter increased in April 2019, with some users receiving it with a modified layout | في حقيقة الأمر؛ وبسبب نشاط الشركة في سوق الإعلانات حقّقت 250 مليون دولار أمريكي في الربع الأول من عام 2014 |
Pass-along value had 9%, self-promotion 6% with and news each making 4%.
23اطلع عليه بتاريخ 18 سبتمبر 2015 | I've worked hard to earn the amount of followers I had |
مؤرشف من في August 7, 2011 | This decision was widely viewed to be a reaction to the botched |