المؤمن لا يلدغ. هل مقولة ”لا يلدغ المؤمن من جحر مرتين” حديث نبوي ؟

I can easily delete your rude comment but I believe that Mr Please accept my apologies for "those who don't know"
Only discussions that contribute to finding solutions and do not aggravate are permitted Glad that this question is closed now

هل مقولة ”لا يلدغ المؤمن من جحر مرتين” حديث نبوي ؟

You can make a study on the idioms of the Bible, the Quran, The Hadith, etc.

هل مقولة ”لا يلدغ المؤمن من جحر مرتين” حديث نبوي ؟
To the asker: You need to refer to published Hadith translations and never use a one of your own unlesss an "exercise"! No duplicate answers are permitted
هل هذا حديث: «لا يلدغ المؤمن من حجر مرتين»، وما معناه؟
If a message involves judgment of a peer, criticism or defence of that peers competence, judgmental remarks, that message will be deleted
الدعوة إلى استخدام احتياطي الودائع: «المؤمن لا يلدغ من الجحر مرتين»!
Any input should have to do only with this purpose
Your answer can be disregarded but your comment is totally unaccepted but this is not the question here
Mohamed Abdelmoneim for removing the last comments while I was away as they turned into personal discussions and fights that had nothing to do with the question The TCTerms Team Read more:•

فصل: لا يلدغ المؤمن من جحر مرتين:

Refutation of an answer should be based only on the answer or its resources.

خطبة عن حديث (لاَ يُلْدَغُ الْمُؤْمِنُ مِنْ جُحْرٍ وَاحِدٍ مَرَّتَيْنِ )
To Muna: The question is not about idioms but about the actual Hadith
فصل: لا يلدغ المؤمن من جحر مرتين:
Ghosn for the elaborate answer
شرح وترجمة حديث: لا يلدغ المؤمن من جحر واحد مرتين
Ghosn has the right to see it first
Anything that does not serve this purpose will get deleted I have not seen anything like this! All non-linguistic content will be removed
please keep TCTerms for your professional linguistic discussions TCTerms Posting Note TCTerms is here for the purpose of finding answers to questions

آل الشيخ للأهلي المصري: المؤمن لا يلدغ من الجحر مرتين

The internet is full of websites where you can participate and express your ideas about religion and politics and even fight with others if that is what you like.

هل هذا حديث: «لا يلدغ المؤمن من حجر مرتين»، وما معناه؟
I expected from someone who holds a Masters Degree to respond in a scholarly and professional manner and to show respect to other colleagues
شرح وترجمة حديث: لا يلدغ المؤمن من جحر واحد مرتين
If within the body of a communication there is that judgement, that part will be taken out
فصل: لا يلدغ المؤمن من جحر مرتين: