Pst time now. Pacific Standard Time (PST) = UTC

The time offset from UTC can be written as -08:00 PST Pacific Standard Time is one of the well-known names of UTC-8 time zone which is 8h
It's used during the winter

Pacific Time Now

However during winter Pacific Standard Time PST replaces Pacific Daylight Time.

Pacific Standard Time (PST) = UTC
Pacific Daylight Time is a UTC -7 timezone offset which means Pacific Daylight Time is -7 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time
Pacific Standard Time (PST) = UTC
During the summer PDT - Pacific Daylight Time UTC-7 is in use
PST time zone — Pacific Standard Time
This means that Pacific Standard Time PST is -08:00 hours behind of GMT
Some locations use PST all year long

Pacific Time Now


PST time zone — Pacific Standard Time
Pacific Standard Time (PST) = UTC
Pacific Time Now