توكلنا apk. Tawakkalna

Geographical range: Within the residential area of a maximum of 1 km of the residence, the individual is notified when it is exceeded and the permit will be converted to prohibition red until it returns to the permitted range An exit permit application is submitted through the Public Security Mobility Permit System tanaqul
Note: The controls are adjustable according to the competent authorities Note: The controls are adjustable according to the competent authorities

تنزيل تطبيق توكلنا السعودية

Exit period: From the time the application is accepted to the end of the period of allowing the curfew within the neighborhood declared by the Ministry of Interior.

تطبيــق توكَّــلنا
Total restriction areas health isolation : because no permit is allowed
- Notices of no return to the place of residence: at the end of the permit period and no return to the place of residence has been returned
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The Ministry of Health can prevent an emergency medical permit for health reasons for injured, contacted or suspected patients
In the absence of a ban on the ministry of health, the reasons for the refusal are as follows:• Date of Birth Residence Address shown on the map The individual has to be in the house during the registration on the app The Ministry of Health can prohibit walking permits for health reasons for injured, contacted or suspected of being infected
An exit permit for the purpose of walking allows the individual to leave and return to the place of residence, in accordance with the following regulations:• Required data: Determine where to go on the map You can modify the place of residence once a month, as it is not permissible to amend the place of residence except after the lapse of a full month from the previous amendment

تحميل تطبيق توكلنا السعودي APK للاندرويد برابط مباشر

About Tawakkalna As the Saudi Arabian Government is keen to preserve the health and safety of citizens and residents within its soil from the risk of the spread of novel coronavirus; The Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority SDAIA developed Tawakkalna App in order to support government efforts aimed at countering Covid-19.

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In the absence of a ban on the ministry of health, the reasons for the refusal are as follows:• An exit permit for a normal catering purpose within the neighborhood allows the individual to leave and return to the place of residence, in accordance with the following regulations:• The ID card number for both nationals and residents
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Partial restriction areas: Because the request for an emergency supply permit is not allowed for the grace period, that it exceeds the daily limit once, that it exceeds the weekly limit four times, that it is outside the residence or that an active emergency medical permit is available arrival at a medical facility has not been confirmed
تحميل تطبيق توكلنا APK لحجز تصاريح الحج والعمرة اخر تحديث
- The presence of a permit for the relative is mandatory
Permits shown to the individual by applying without application are: - Work permit for employees of the excluded public and private sectors Medical appointment - permit for medical conditions requiring attendance at the medical facility Temporary driver's - permit after applying for a work permit or a transfer permit for students - Delivery service pass for delivery app representatives Transfer - permit for students for abilities and achievement tests The ministry of interior's instructions and supply permit controls within the neighborhood must be adhered to in no more than 3 km from the place of residence and when it is notified will be alerted by the application and the permit will be converted to prohibition red color and the individual is subject to regular sanctions
In the absence of a ban on the ministry of health, the reasons for the refusal are as follows:• An emergency medical permit is an emergency that requires urgent arrival at a medical facility during a curfew and is requested by the patient or his companion through the application, but a medical appointment permit is for an emergency case requiring attendance at the medical facility during the curfew and is requested by the medical establishment and will appear to the patient through the application The requirements of a humanitarian status permit, the absence of another active request, the 48 hours after the previous application was closed, the type of case, the description, the starting point, the arrival, the date and time of the beginning and end of the permit, the vehicle information, and when needed, escorts and a document can be added to prove the case

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Request time: In total curfew areas at any time and in partial curfew areas only in the period of prohibition.

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sa When you need to move between cities or between regions during the inter-ban period? Gray means the application is not working properly and this is because of one of the following possibilities: offline, activated VPN connection, GPS geolocation disabled, not allowing permanent sharing of geographical location, presence of a geolocation application, the presence of gel rick for iPhone and Root for Android, non-identification of housing, failure to update the application
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Confirmation of access to the medical facility for a mandatory emergency medical permit and the patient shall be limited to his identification number and will be reflected directly with the applicant of the emergency medical permit, whether the patient himself or the companion, and failure to do so will suspend the use of other permits ration, walking and other emergency medical on the applicant of the emergency medical permit
تحميل تطبيق توكلنا APK لحجز تصاريح الحج والعمرة اخر تحديث
Warning: Return to the place of residence before the end of the permit period, and when it is notified, the permit will be transferred to the prohibition red color and make you subject to the application of the regular sanctions