من شابه أباه فما ظلم. من شابه أباه فما ظلم

For questions that are not open-ended and only require a quick answer please use the pinned open discussion threads
How does that happen is beyond me But as we know this is just a show before making peace with Qatar and insulting the occupation for what they reaveld last week

قصة من شابه أباه فما ظلم ومعناها

Don't derail threads Please try and stay relevant and on-topic.

قصة من شابه أباه فما ظلم
their only allies, and win the war twice, then I owe them respect
من شابه أباه فما ظلم
This is not a photo album All non-original photograph posts — cities, nature, bedouins, etc
هل الذكاء وراثي أم مكتسب؟ وما هي نسبة مساهمة الجينات في الذكاء؟ دراسات تجيب
Posts like this only serve to produce outrage and indulge in the worst and most toxic aspect of an online community - circlejerking in self-righteous rage and frenzied mob mentality
And I never had any racist related issues with them whatsoever If you feel you must bring light to such posts, please use the open discussion threads
- - OP can reply! Don't engage in racism, sexism, sectarianism, homophobia, or any other form of bigotry Thats what I am afraid from too

هل الذكاء وراثي أم مكتسب؟ وما هي نسبة مساهمة الجينات في الذكاء؟ دراسات تجيب

Digressions are welcome when they open new avenues for discussion and mutual benefit, however when these digressions descend into shouting matches and bickering they may be removed.

من شابه أباه فما ظلم : arabs
— belong in the open discussion threads
معنى و شرح من شابه اباه فما ظلم في المعجم الوسيط معجم عربي عربي و قاموس عربي عربي
There is no obligation for anyone to abide by your religious values, and browbeating, religious chauvinism, and preaching is not tolerated
من شابه أباه فما ظلم (فيلم)
No preaching This is not a Muslim or Christian subreddit