تسجيل اسم تجاري. كيفية تسجيل اسم تجاري لمنشاة بالخطوات والصور

Click on the service link• In the absence of any objection to the mark, the final registration bill will be issued for 5000 SAR• The term of a trademark is 10 years with possibility of extension Click on Initial Enquiry icon
After accepting the application, the mark will be published electronically for a period of 60 days after paying the publication fee 1575 SAR• The application will be reviewed and approved electronically

حجز اسم تجاري

An e-service which enables the registration of all that takes a distinctive form of names, words, signatures, letters, symbols, numbers, addresses, stamps, drawings, images, inscriptions, packaging, graphic elements, forms, color, color combinations or a combination thereof, Used or intended to be used to distinguish the goods or services of an enterprise from the goods or services of other enterprises or to indicate the performance of a service, or to conduct the inspection of goods or services.

حجز الإسم التجاري
Click on My Trade Names icon• Type the name to be reserved in the trade name box
مفاتيح اختيار اسم تجاري مميز لشركتك
The application will be reviewed and the mark will be examined usually within 7 working days• After approving the initial enquiry request, click on Send
حجز الإسم التجاري
Fill out the electrnoic application• Fill in the required information and specify the type of booking Suggested - Special
Go to the trademark portal• Issuing a trademark registration certificate electronically and protecting it for a period of 10 years



حجز اسم تجاري
Trademark Registration
إضافة عنوان نشاطك التجاري أو تعديله

كيف تختار اسم لمشروعك الناشئ باحترافية ليكون أحد أسباب نجاح المشروع؟


كيفيه حجز اسم تجاري بالخطوات الشروط الجديدة الشاملة 1442
Reservation of Business Name
كيفية تسجيل اسم تجاري لمنشاة بالخطوات والصور