ذرة بيضاء. بَيْضَاءُ

Animal Food Guide You can find in this section of OpenSooq food mixtures specifically made for each of the popular small pets It may also be beneficial to add fat, methionine or to grind grain sorghum in order to enhance digestibility
Dairy cows Sorghum silage is often promoted as a replacement for maize silage for lactating and dry dairy cows, as evidenced by the amount of research devoted to this 9 required to prevent the development of lactic acid bacteria after 7 days and was found to be stable between 2 and 4 weeks

ذرة بيضاء . شجر الذرة البيضاء

They are grown as fodders, especially in the USA, and are used in the development of fodder hybrids.

ذرة بيضاء
In Southern Africa, small-scale farmers intercrop tannin and tannin-free sorghums in areas prone to high bird predation in order to reduce grain losses
ذرة بيضاء : definition of ذرة بيضاء and synonyms of ذرة بيضاء (Arabic)
In poultry, tannins are known to reduce growth rate, egg production and protein utilization, and to damage the mucosal lining of the digestive tract
Traduction ذُرَةٌ en Français
Given the variability of the sorghum germplasm, the intensive breeding efforts and the large number of ecological and farming systems where forage sorghums are grown, precise recommendations and values for yields, optimal heights, etc
Livestock then graze the plant selectively and trampling occurs if the plants are too tall ; In France, an example of successful utilization of sorghum from a non- bmr cultivar has been described as follows: in a 15-week trial, dairy cows were fed sorghum or maize silage ad libitum with 2
Kafir sorghums, originated from South Africa, with thick, juicy stems, large leaves, and awnless cylindrical-shaped panicles No effect were noticed at 1

Traduction ذُرَةٌ en Français

It is sensitive to frost and to sustained flooding.

ذرة بيضاء : definition of ذرة بيضاء and synonyms of ذرة بيضاء (Arabic)
It may be counterbalanced by P supplementation or by adding phytase
The extrusion of sorghum grain improves the ileal digestibility of starch and may, therefore, increase its energy value and reduce health issues ;
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