تعريف الذكاء الذاتي. ذكاء

The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science "Language-specific cortical activation patterns for verbal fluency tasks in Japanese as assessed by multichannel functional near-infrared spectroscopy"
"Functional anatomy of cognitive development - fMRI of verbal fluency in children and adults" Fernandez-Martinez, Fernando; Kseniya Zablotskaya; Wolfgang Minker Aug 2012

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"VBM-DTI Correlates of Verbal Intelligence: A Potential Link to Broca's area".

انواعه الذكاء الذاتي
"Text categorization methods for automatic estimation of verbal intelligence"
تعريف الوعي الذاتي
"The neural mechanisms of speech comprehension: fMRI studies of semantic ambiguity"
نظريات الذكاء .. تعرف علي أهم نظريات الذكاء ...........................
"The role of verbal and performance intelligence in children's strategy selection and execution"
Luwel, Koen; Ageliki Foustana; Patrick Onghena; Lieven Verschaffel Apr 2013 "Genetic insights into the functional elements of language"
; Hertz-Pannier; Mott; Barnett; LeBihan; Theodore Jan 2000 ; Sanchez-Benavides; Quintana; Manero; Rognoni; Calvo; Palomo; Aranciva; Tamayo; Pena-Casanova Jan—Feb 2013

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ما هو الذكاء الاصطناعي وكيف يمكننا توظيفه
"Spanish normative studies in young adults NEURONORMA young adults project : Normative data: norms for verbal fluency tests"
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ما هو الذكاء الاصطناعي وكيف يمكننا توظيفه